Tools and Worksheets
Here's a collection of tools and worksheets that can be used to improve customer service, develop employees, and increase performance.
These deceptively simple tools work by engaging your whole brain. There's just enough structure for the analytical, left-brain thinkers while the opportunities to be creative and use your intuition will appeal to right-brain thinkers. Either way, we're more effective when we use both sides of our brains together!
Customer Service Tools
Customer Service Vision Worksheet: Clearly define outstanding customer service.
Expectation Management Worksheet: Identify opportunities to manage expectations.
SMART Goals Worksheet: Develop clear, unambiguous goals for individual or team performance.
Diagnostic Tools
Customer Service Alignment Assessment: Get the conversation started about improving service.
Quick Fix Checklist: Use this tool to rapidly diagnose the root cause of poor performance.
Identifying Training Issues: Determine whether training will fix a performance issue.
Ideal Candidate Profile: Improve hiring accuracy by describing the ideal employee.