The one tool you need to write a customer service plan

"I need help creating a customer service plan."

That's an email I've received several times over the past few weeks. It's always some opportunity for improvement that triggers the request:

  • Customer complaints are rising.

  • It's time for annual business planning.

  • The customer service leader is new to the role.

In any event, they're looking to give their team some direction. The challenge is knowing where to start.

So I'm writing to share the same advice with you that I've shared with all of these leaders. The most important tool you'll need is a gap analysis.

A gap analysis looks at the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, and analyzes the reasons you aren't there already. It's deceptively simple, yet highly effective.

Here's how to conduct one.

A group of customer service professionals writing a business plan.

Step 1: Set customer service goals

Your customer service plan should have goals that are tied to the overall business strategy. We'll need those goals to perform a gap analysis and ultimately write the plan.

I've seen the examples below in many plans. These are definitely not goals:

  • Improve customer service.

  • Conduct customer service training.

  • Explore new customer service channels.

  • Reduce customer churn.

  • Deliver world-class customer service.

These statements are too vague to be clear goals that change behavior and drive performance. Some, like "conduct customer service training," aren't even goals at all. They're activities.

Your customer service plan should be based on at least one SMART goal. This gives you and your team a specific target to focus on achieving.

Here's an overview if you're not familiar with the model:

  • S = Specific

  • M = Measurable

  • A = Attainable

  • R = Relevant

  • T = Time-bound

You can use this primer to learn more about SMART goals if you get stuck.

The focus of your SMART goal should be something critical to your business. Think about how your team creates value. Here are some questions to help you create that link:

  • How does your team increase revenue?

  • How does your team decrease costs?

  • How can your team improve overall company efficiency?

One client approached me to ask for customer service training. I asked the CEO some probing questions and learned what he really cared about was sales conversion.

Customers would contact customer service with questions about the company's products. The customer service rep could convert the call into a sale if they successfully answered the customer's questions.

The CEO wanted the team to covert 35 percent of customer inquiries into sales. He explained that was the level that made the team profitable once you subtracted marketing and operating costs.

So that became the SMART goal: Achieve an average sales conversion rate of 35 percent by the end of each month.

Step 2: Identify where you are now

The GPS on your phone or in your car needs two things to give you directions. The first is a destination. The second is your current location.

A gap analysis relies on the same information. Setting a goal is essential. Once you have a goal, you need to identify your current position. Only then can you create a step-by-step plan to bridge the gap.

This is another common failure point for customer service plans. The leader sets a goal, but doesn't have any data to measure where they are in relation to the goal.

For example, let's say you wanted to reduce customer churn. Great! What's your customer churn rate right now? It's pretty hard to reduce it if you don't have a specific measurement already.

My client wanted to achieve a 35 percent sales conversion rate per month. The team was currently averaging 33 percent.

Why is this important?

Because our strategy to get to 35 percent would be wildly different if we were at 10 percent versus 33. This second step in the gap analysis told us we were really close, and it would likely take just a few small tweaks to close the gap.

Step 3: Analyze the reason for the gap

Now that you have concrete data on where you are now, and the SMART goal you're trying to achieve, you need to analyze the gap between those two numbers.

I like to approach this step like a detective trying to solve a case. You might have some hunches, but you'll need solid evidence if you want to convince people your hunch is right.

One of the easiest things you can do is spend time observing your team and talking to them. Discuss the goal and ask them to share barriers they encounter that currently make it difficult to achieve it.

It didn't take long to help my client analyze the gap between the 35 percent conversion rate goal and the current 33 percent average. The team already knew most of the answers and readily shared them with me.

Scheduling. The team's schedule didn't match demand. Customers had to wait on hold an average of 30 minutes on Monday mornings, making it much harder to sell to people who called. By contrast, the team had very little to do on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, when call volume was much lower. 

Rapport. Several of the team members admitted they sometimes struggled to uncover customer needs. They knew their products fairly well, but didn't always know the right questions to ask customers.

Leadership. The team leader hadn't been spending much time with the team. As a result, the team members weren't exactly sure what they were doing well and where they needed to improve.

All of these were easy fixes:

  • Schedules were adjusted to better meet demand.

  • The team attended a 30-minute training session on rapport skills.

  • The leader agreed to hold a monthly team meeting to keep everyone informed.

This gap analysis quickly touched on several key areas such as staffing, skills, and metrics. And it gave the team a clear strategy for improving their sales conversion rate, which is what the CEO cared most about.

Just one month into the new plan, the team achieved a 45 percent sales conversion rate, far higher than the 35 percent goal.


A gap analysis is an essential first step when writing a customer service plan. You can use a gap analysis for many other situations, too.

  • Reducing customer complaints.

  • Identifying your team's training needs.

  • Creating a customer-focused culture.

Feel free to contact me if you get stuck. I'd be happy to walk you through one.

If you have a LinkedIn Learning subscription, you can also use my Quick Fixes to Attain Excellent Customer Service course to walk you through more sophisticated gap analysis techniques.

Here's a short preview.

How to create the ideal first day for new employees

This is a blog post about your employees' first day. It includes quotes from several real employees who have just started new jobs, so I've changed each person's name to protect their anonymity.

The first day at a new job can say a lot about your company.

For some, a great first day confirms they joined the right organization."It was like the first day at school," said Robert. "I was excited to get started and they were excited to have me join the team."

For others, the first day raises questions about whether this was the right choice.

"My first day was remote," said Warren. "I got a series of emails directing me to fill out paperwork and read through every corner of our website. I highly recommend this approach if you're having trouble sleeping. I did finally get a working computer a week or so later so that was good."

How can you give you team a first day that's more like Robert's, and less like Warren's?

This post walks you through some proven steps that work well whether your employees are working remotely or in-person.

A new employee attends a company orientation remotely.

How to prepare for a new employee

A great first day actually starts with the prep work you do before an employee officially joins your company. The goal is to be ready for them when they arrive.

It's disheartening when an employer isn't ready to welcome a new team member.

Warren started out on the wrong foot when his company wasn't ready for his arrival. A first day spent filling out paperwork and trying to get a working computer is hardly inspiring.

Barry, another remote employee, had a far different experience than Warren. "My organization handled my equipment requests before my first day. My laptop, mouse, and keyboard all arrived the week before I started. All my paperwork was sent to me the week before."

For Kendra, who is also remote, getting her equipment ahead of time allowed her to troubleshoot some technical issues that would have derailed her first-day experience.

"My first day technically started the Friday before when I received my new work laptop in the mail. I was so excited to receive a brand new laptop I immediately opened it up and turned it on. I spent the next three hours on the phone with IT resetting the hard drive multiple times because systems were not configured correctly."

Kendra's eagerness paid off, while her fellow new hires spent their first day struggling with computer issues. "I was ready to go for the new hire orientation meeting on Monday morning while other new hires had to call in on their phones and other devices."

Here are just a few things to do before your new employee arrives:

  • Arrange all tools and equipment they'll need.

  • Make sure they have access to computer networks, buildings, etc.

  • Create an orientation schedule and send it to them.

  • Send out new hire paperwork ahead of time.

  • Order uniforms, name tags, business cards, and other items (if needed).

  • Complete all required verifications such as background checks, license checks, drug screenings, etc.

A swag bag or care package is a great bonus if you really want to create a great impression.

Barry told me he really appreciated the package his company sent him.  "My organization sent me a welcome package that contained a book from my supervisor and one from the CEO. It also contained a notebook, pens, and a cool gift: a Yeti tumbler."

What are the elements of a great first day?

The ideal first day finishes off all the legal requirements necessary to complete the hiring process, starts socializing the employee to their colleagues, and gives them a virtual or in-person tour of the workspace.

Legal Requirements

The legal requirements can be tedious, but they are necessary. Various federal, state, and local laws require a variety of notices to be signed. You also need information to input the new employee into your payroll system.

I was once sent to train 100 new hires before my company opened a new location. Unfortunately, I discovered on the eve of the training class that the hiring manager hadn't actually hired anyone. We had to cancel the training and use that time to ensure everyone completed all the paperwork required to legally hire employees and ensure they got paid.

So get that out of the way first. Better yet, send paperwork to new hires to complete before their first day.

Barry shared one word of caution from his experience. Many of the forms he had to complete were PDFs that lacked fillable fields, so the process of adding his name, date, signature, and other information was painstaking. Be sure to make your forms easy to complete on a computer!


Connecting with others is critical, especially when so many people are working remotely. It helps new employees feel a sense of belonging, and start building trust with the people they'll be collaborating with.

Help new employees start making connections with their colleagues by sending out a welcome message to greet them when they arrive. Barry received welcome messages from multiple employees, which immediately made him feel welcome.

Kevin started remotely, and spent much of day one connecting with coworkers via virtual meetings. "I had a meeting with my boss and then meetings with a few other teammates to introduce myself and get to know them."

Aaron's first day was in-person. "We wear masks, avoid in person meetings, and social distance when feasible. The on boarding process was different because we didn’t have a big classroom full of new hires, it was handled individually and in small groups."

All those safety precautions didn't prevent Aaron from having a great experience.

"My boss met me at the door, cleared his morning schedule to spend time orienting and teaching, and then took me to lunch. That level of investment and personal attention for new employees confirmed the positive culture and strong leadership that was conveyed in the interviewing process."

Diedre works remotely, but enjoyed starting her first day with a group of fellow new hires. 

"The experience at my new company was incredibly organized, probably the most organized of any company I’ve ever worked for. They did a great job bringing 20 new folks into Zoom calls, making us all feel welcome even though we were spread out all across the world. We did activities together, including playing virtual games, daily themed Zoom backgrounds and pop quizzes on what we’ve learned so far."

Technical issues aside, Kendra also appreciated starting her first day with other new hires. "In new hire orientation, I met our HR contact and other new hires and was invited to a group slack chat with just this group. I liked the group chat because it gave us a safe place to ask dumb questions and get to know some colleagues from other departments both locally as well as the other side of the country."


Employees need to know the basics of where they’ll be working, whether it’s a physical location or a virtual environment.

For employees reporting to a physical location, this involves a literal orientation. Show employees how to get into the building, where to clock in, where to find the restrooms, and other important locations. And of course, show them their own workspace.

It's a little different for remote employees. They will need to learn how to navigate through the company's network, and how to get assistance if they get stuck.

Kendra's boss created an orientation document that provided a virtual tour. "The doc included each slack channel I needed to join, links to corporate strategy video recordings and lots of documentation, reoccurring meetings I should have on my calendar, and a list of colleagues to reach out to and topics to discuss with them. So I spent the rest of my day filling my next 3 week calendar with 1-on-1 deep dives with colleagues, watching recordings of organizational presentations, and reading strategy documents."

There's one bonus item that can make a great first day even better.

New employees are anxious to make a contribution, so give them something valuable to do on their first day if at all possible. For example, one company has new employees give feedback about the company's products, which is often used to make improvements.

Is remote onboarding difficult?

Some people worry about remote onboarding. It doesn’t have to be difficult, if you follow the steps above. It can even be beneficial!

Here’s how Heidi described her first day of remote onboarding:

“The onboarding team took great strides to make sure we felt welcomed and made sure to have resources centrally located (as much as possible). I was definitely nervous and had first day jitters, but then I remembered I didn’t have to deal with commuting, trying to avoid boring water-cooler conversations (and gossip) and weird looks from Accounting, or finding a place to sit in the break room for lunch.”

Be intentional about creating a great experience for your new hires, and everything should be fine. It just might take a little extra planning.

Additional Resources

LinkedIn Learning subscribers can access my course, Running Company Onboarding. It will walk you through all the steps necessary to create an outstanding onboarding program.

If you don't already have a subscription, a 30-day trial is available.

Here's a short preview video that highlights the differences between a good and bad onboarding process.

Why you should thank customers after a delay

It's a busy day and your next customer has been waiting for awhile.

What should you say to acknowledge the delay?

  • "I'm sorry for the wait."

  • "Thank you for waiting."

  • Nothing.

Most of us know saying nothing isn't a great move, but what about the first two options? A series of experiments has revealed that thanking your customer is the best approach.

The experiments showed that saying "thank you" instead of "I'm sorry" when a customer experiences a delay or another minor service failure can increase customer satisfaction and improve survey participation rates.

The first study was published in 2018 by Yanfen You. The second study was published in 2020 by Yanfen You, Xiaojing Yang, Lili Wang, and Xiaoyan Deng.

Here is a summary of the most interesting results.

A customer service employee is expressing gratitude.

Why do we apologize to customers?

Small issues, such as a delay, can damage a customer’s self-esteem. It makes people feel disrespected or less valued. An apology can help restore a customer’s self-esteem and make them feel better again.

This short video illustrates what emotional needs look like in a customer service encounter.

How thanking customers after a delay is more effective

Research shows that thanking a customer after a delay or another small service failure is even more effective at boosting the customer's self-esteem than apologizing.

Here's a quote from Yanfen You, who was involved with both studies.

"Specifically, while an apology strategy restores consumers’ self-esteem (bring it back to the pre-service delay level) through admitting fault and establishing fairness, an appreciation strategy increases consumers’ self-esteem by honoring them as a benefactor and highlighting their merits and contributions."

Four of the experiments in these studies were particularly revealing. Here are the highlights of each one.

Study 1: Restaurant wait time

In this experiment, a restaurant server set the expectation that food would be delivered quickly after guests placed their orders. In reality, it took between 30 and 50 minutes for the guests' food to arrive.

The server did one of three things after delivering the guests' meals:

  1. Thanked the customers for waiting

  2. Apologized for the delay

  3. Did not acknowledge the delay

Afterwards, the server placed a survey card on the table and asked the guests to complete it. Far more guests completed the survey when they were thanked.

Graph showing the percentage of people completing the restaurant survey. 82.5% of people who were thanked, 30.2% who received an apology, and 12.5% who received neither completed the restaurant survey.

Study 2: Delayed compensation

University students were promised compensation for participating in a study. The payment was promised by 8pm that evening, but wasn't deposited until 8pm the following day.

Students received a message that either thanked the students for waiting or apologized for the delay. The participants were then sent a survey link to ask for their feedback about the compensation.

Just like in the first study, more students who were thanked (91.1%) completed the survey than students who received an apology (78.4%). Average satisfaction was also higher for students who were thanked.

Graph showing students’ satisfaction with the compensation they received for participating in a study after an initial delay. Satisfaction was higher among students who were thanked versus those who received an apology.

Study 3: Inferior gift

In this study, university students were asked to choose between two small gifts for participating in an unrelated laboratory study. Afterwards, they were approached by a lab assistant and asked to complete a short survey about their satisfaction with the lab.

The survey instructions reminded students about the small gift, and mentioned that the actual gift would not be as nice as the one shown to them at the beginning of the study. Some students were thanked for their understanding, others received an apology, and another group didn't receive either a thank you or an apology.

Here are the lab satisfaction ratings for the three groups:

Graph showing students’ satisfaction with a lab where they participated in an experiment after learning the gift they would receive for their participation was inferior than what was initially promised. Students who were thanked for their understand…

Study 4: Wrong survey

University students were approached by a research assistant and asked to complete a short survey about self-perception in exchange for a candy bar. Students who agreed to participate were handed a tablet with an electronic link to the survey.

When the students handed the tablet back to the assistant after completing the survey, the assistant pretended to realize she had accidentally loaded the wrong survey. She handed the students a card with a QR code printed on it, and explained the QR code would link to the correct survey.

One group of students was thanked for their participation in the study, while another group received an apology for the broken link. More students who were thanked used the QR code to access the survey later on:

Percentage of students accessing a survey after initially being given the wrong survey. 75.5% of students who were thanked accessed the survey versus 57.7% who received an apology.


Thanking a customer is a more effective than an apology when addressing a customer's emotional needs after a minor service failure such as a delay.

The studies also examined some theoretical situations that suggest combining an apology and a thank you might be even more effective, though this wasn't tested with real service failures. Anecdotally, I’ve often found this technique works well.


Lessons from The Overlook: Conduct business reviews

Note: Lessons from The Overlook is a periodic update on lessons learned from owning a vacation rental property in the Southern California mountain town of Idyllwild. It's a hands-on opportunity to apply some of the techniques I advise my clients to use. You can find past updates here.

Back in January, we made some big changes to The Overlook.

You can read all about the changes here, but these are the highlights:

  • Reduced the bedrooms from four to three.

  • Converted the former master bedroom into a game room.

  • Upgraded lamps and furniture throughout the cabin.

The changes dropped our maximum occupancy to six people, down from eight. We also lowered our nightly rate from $250 per night to $225.

Our goal was to increase revenue by 10 percent. There's a bigger market for cabins that sleep six versus cabins that sleep eight. We thought we could get enough additional bookings to offset the $25 lower rate.

The big question now is whether the changes worked. The only way to find out is to conduct a business review. 

Here's how we did ours and why you should do one, too.

The front door to The Overlook is open with a Welcome mat in front of the door.

Why should you conduct a business review?

A business review helps you evaluate your strategies, tactics, and other business decisions. It allows you to make course-corrections when things aren't working, or strengthen new initiatives that are going well.

A plan often looks very different once it's executed than it originally did on paper.

It was a year ago when we made our initial plans to reduce the number of bedrooms at The Overlook and add a second game room. (We already had a ping pong room in a converted garage.)

Our plans represented a risk even if there hadn't been a pandemic. We knew we were losing out on many potential repeat guests if we made our capacity smaller, and would have to earn a lot of new business to make up for it.

A business review helped us evaluate those decisions.

There's likely a lot of decisions in your business that could benefit from an honest review. Examples might include:

  • Did that new training program work?

  • Is the new computer system improving efficiency?

  • Are we getting more actionable insight from our voice of customer program?

  • How did adding a live chat service channel affect our phone volume?

  • Is our new recruiting plan yielding better hires?

Whatever you decided to do at the start of the year, now is a great time to evaluate those plans and see if they're working.

How do you conduct a business review?

There are three simple questions that can guide your review process.

  1. What are our goals?

  2. Are we on track to accomplish them?

  3. Why?

That last question will help you understand whether your decisions are paying off, or if you need to make adjustments to your plan. Sometimes, you find the decision was a good one and you still need to make some changes.

That's what happened at The Overlook. Here is our revenue goal along with our results year-to-date (YTD):

  • Goal: 10% revenue increase

  • YTD Actual: 10% increase

  • Status: On target

Even though the results look pretty good, asking "Why?" can help you really understand what's happening and spot any signs of trouble.

One of our key performance indicators is the average number of nights booked per month. Here are our results compared to 2019:

  • 2019: 9.3

  • 2020: 10.4

Looks good, right? Not necessarily.

We need to average 11.4 nights per month to be on pace for a 10 percent revenue increase over the entire year. That's because we lowered our rates from $250 to $225, so we're collecting $25 less per night.

A few unusual factors initially made it difficult to hit the 11.4 mark so far this year:

  • We lost out on repeat customers when we converted to three bedrooms in January.

  • The pandemic temporarily shut us down in April.

  • The cabin was closed for 10 days so it could be painted in June.

This trend could spell trouble in the future if we aren't able to increase our nights per month.

Fortunately, our results have looked better lately. Here are the numbers for the past three months, including our projection for September:

  • July: 13 nights

  • August: 22 nights

  • September: 18 nights

When should you adjust your plans?

There are often opportunities for improvement, even when things are going well.

For example, we've decided to take another look at our rates. We initially lowered the nightly by $25 when we dropped down to a three-bedroom cabin.

A competitive analysis against similar cabins revealed that our rates are now too low for all that we offer. The Overlook has more selling features and more bookings that most of its competitors, but many other cabins still charge more. So we've just raised our nightly rate back to $250.

We'll have to evaluate that decision in a few months.

Take Action

What decisions have you made that should be reviewed?

It could be your annual business plan, a new investment, or a new strategy. Whatever it was, take the time to compare your goals to then results you achieved. Even when things look good, a business review might help you identify additional opportunities for improvement.

When customer service training is the lazy way out

The assistant called on behalf of her boss.

Ashley (not her real name) had been instructed to round up some quotes for customer service training. She had dutifully performed an internet search for customer service trainers and discovered some of my courses on LinkedIn Learning.

The boss had given Ashley simple instructions. Find some trainers, learn about their standard training program, and find out how much the training costs.

I asked a few questions to learn more about the training request and what problem the company was trying to solve. It was quickly apparent that the biggest problem was Ashley's boss was being lazy.

He was falling short on one of his most fundamental responsibilities as a leader. The manager failed to provide a clear vision to Ashley. He had also failed to provide a clear vision to the employees he wanted trained. In fact, he wasn’t sure what he wanted—he just hoped that hiring a trainer would make it better.

Here's how I knew the manager was being lazy, and how you can avoid falling into the same trap.

A group of employees are participating in a training class.

Questions to ask before requesting training

There's a list of questions I like to ask potential clients who contact me for customer service training. Here are the questions I asked Ashley along with her answers.

Why is this project important?
"I don't really know. I think it's because some employees have lost focus. We recently rolled out a new accounting software program that's caused some internal challenges, so that might have something to do with it."

How will your boss evaluate success?
"I don't know. He just told me to get some quotes."

What do people need to do that they aren't doing now?
"We have some rules of conduct that some employees haven't acknowledged. I guess they should be following those."

Are there any factors besides training that might impact performance?
"I'm not sure."

Notice Ashley gave vague answers to all of these questions. It's not her fault—her boss gave her this assignment without giving her complete information.

Leaders need to provide clear direction, but clarity often takes time. Time to clarify what good performance looks like. Time to observe employees and talk to them. Time to identify the root cause of an issue. Time to articulate a clear vision.

Ashley’s boss was being lazy when he tried to skip all that.

Let's look at how another customer service leader answered those same questions. This particular leader clearly spent much more time getting clarity about what she wanted.

Why is this project important?
"Our team doesn't have the best reputation, and we're trying to change that. Frankly, my boss has given me a mandate to improve our survey scores and reduce customer complaints. We're working on a comprehensive initiative to improve service. This includes improving processes, upgrading our self-service technology, and giving our employees new skills to better serve customers."

How will you evaluate success?
"Two primary ways. One is by observing customer interactions with our employees to see if there's been a change in behavior. The second is from feedback shared on our customer service survey. My boss gave me a target score to achieve, and I'd like to achieve it."

What do people need to do that they aren't doing now?
"My team often gets flustered when there's a line of customers waiting, which often leads to more customer complaints. Our survey results indicate wait times are our biggest source of dissatisfaction. I'd like to give my team skills to help prevent customers from getting upset."

Are there any factors besides training that might impact performance?
"We're working on ways to reduce the lines, or get more staff when the line gets too long. We've also invested in new self-service technology that should help us serve customers faster. And we are implementing some new procedures to make our service more convenient for customers."

Notice how much more clarity this leader had about her team's training needs. And she's not leaning on training in isolation. Her training request was one aspect of a multi-pronged approach to improving service.

How do you know if employees need training?

Training is fundamentally about solving problems. Employees are given training to help them overcome a challenge so they can improve their job performance.

The trick is knowing whether or not training is the right solution.

Training can only fix gaps in knowledge, skills, or ability. This means an employee is lacking one or more of those things thats needed to get the job done.

  • Knowledge: the information needed to do the job.

  • Skills: the techniques needed to do the job.

  • Abilities: the degree to which employees can use their skills.

A leader should clarify that the reason employees aren't performing is one or more gaps in knowledge, skills, or abilities, before requesting training. At minimum, the leader should engage a training professional to help identify the specific gap rather than prescribe a generic training program.

Here's more information on diagnosing when an employee needs training.

Ashley's boss hadn't yet determined what performance needed to improve, or why employees weren't already performing at the desired level. Without that information, it's difficult to know if training will have any impact, or just be a waste of time.

There have been many occasions in my career when I've been asked to conduct training, but the real problem turned out to be something else. It takes extra effort to find those answers, effort that lazy managers try to avoid.

Additional Resources

You can avoid being a lazy manager like Ashley’s boss by putting in the effort to achieve clarity for yourself and your team. Start by answering these questions the next time you are considering training.

  1. Why is this project important?

  2. How will we evaluate success?

  3. What do employees need to do that they're not doing now?

  4. What factors besides training might impact performance?

  5. What are the gaps in knowledge, skills, or abilities?

Feel free to contact me if you get stuck. I'm happy to schedule a call and walk you through these questions.

You might discover that you need some training on how to find the answers to these questions. One option is my needs analysis course on LinkedIn Learning, which has been taken by more than 35,000 people. It can help you identify whether employees need training, and if they do, what training they need.

The course follows a training request from a senior leader and highlights various techniques for investigating the root cause of the problem. You'll see how an analysis can be done quickly, and how this upfront effort can save time and money.

The course is free with your LinkedIn Learning subscription. A 30-day trial is available if you’re not already a subscriber. Here's a preview of the course:

Chip Bell: How to get inside your customer's brain

Advertising disclosure: This blog participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to Amazon and affiliated sites.

Customers are notoriously bad at describing their needs.

They tell confusing stories, share irrelevant details, and often fail to reveal important data. Often, customers just don't know what they want.

This makes it incredibly difficult to make improvements, or create new products, services, and solutions.

Customer service author and keynote speaker, Chip Bell, has a new book that addresses this issue head-on. The book is called Inside Your Customer's Imagination, and it contains five secrets for working with your customers to create breakthrough solutions.

Bell and I had a chance to discuss his new book, and he shared some fun stories and fantastic insight!

Picture of author, Chip Bell, with a quote on customer co-creation. “We’re creating with the customer. Not just on behalf of the customer.”

Here are a few of the topics we covered:

  • Why do customers struggle to describe what they want?

  • What is customer co-creation?

  • What makes something a breakthrough product, service, or solution?

  • How can multiple perspectives lead to new insights?

  • Why do we need to ask better questions?

Bell covered a lot more during our conversation. You can watch the full, 20 minute interview or read some of the highlights below.

Why do customers struggle to describe what they want?

Asking customers their needs sounds pretty straightforward. The challenge is customers notoriously struggle to describe what they really want.

Bell explains that breakthrough ideas are so new, customers don't know they exist. "Nobody wanted a bicycle, nobody wanted a fax machine," he explained. It's only afterwards, when something new and useful is available, customers are glad to have it.

This creates an opportunity for savvy marketers, customer service professionals, and other customer experience experts to work with customers to uncover hidden needs.

Go to the :47 mark to hear Bell explain more.

What is co-creation, and how does it help develop new ideas?

Bell described customer co-creation as a process of including customers in product development. The idea is to work with them, so that their perspective is included.

"Customer experience is already co-created," said Bell. "We make up the experience with the customer, but we don't always treat the customer as if they're an equal partner." Inviting customers to partner with you in the creation process opens up new opportunities.

For instance, my Customer Service Tip of the Week email was co-created with a client. We were brainstorming ways to reinforce a training program I had just delivered and stumbled upon an idea to send a weekly tip via email. It was easy to set up and worked so well that now anyone can subscribe for free.

"We're creating with the customer," said Bell. "Not just on behalf of or for the customer."

You can hear more at 2:27 in the conversation.

What makes something a breakthrough product, service, or solution?

It's something completely new, or a new feature that's added to something that already exists.

Bell told a story about working with a pizza company, where members of a customer focus group unexpectedly brought up the pizza box as an opportunity to do something different. Customers came up with a variety of examples such as turning the box into a puzzle or a Halloween mask.

Another story was the origin of the Frisbee. Go to the 6:12 mark of the interview to hear Bell describe the unusual way the Frisbee was invented.

How can getting multiple data sources paint a clearer picture?

Bell shared a story from the book about a hotel general manager who bought breakfast for local taxi cab drivers once per quarter. The breakfast was a focus group designed to uncover what hotel guests were saying about their experience.

The general manager realized that taxi drivers often heard unvarnished feedback about a guest's hotel stay on the ride from the hotel to the airport. This feedback might never be shared with an hotel employee or in a survey, but was readily offered in a casual conversation during the cab ride.

Bell calls this "eccentric listening," where you try to gather information from unusual perspectives. "You're talking about out of the ordinary questioning," said Bell.

He shares more about the concept at 9:05.

Why do we need to ask better questions?

Many of the questions we routinely ask customers have lost meaning.

"How are you today?" is almost always answered with "fine" or "good," without the other person revealing how they are really doing. Likewise, a cashier asking, "Did you find everything alright?" expects customers to say "Yes," and is flummoxed by anyone who answers "No."

Bell and I shared amusing examples about staying in hotels, where "How was your stay?" has become one of those rote questions.

"We treat questions like, 'How was your stay?' as a greeting," said Bell. It's not really an interrogatory. It's got a question mark, but it's not really a question. It's like another version of 'hello.'"

Go to 12:40 to see more from this great exchange.

Get the Book

Bell is an accomplished storyteller, and his skills are on full display in Inside Your Customer's Imagination.

The book is filled with amusing anecdotes, backed up by practical suggestions and advice you can put to use right away. The book is currently available on Amazon in hardcover, Kindle, and audiobook.

If you're looking for more business books or interviews like this one, check out my Recommended Reading list. It contains my recommended customer service and customer experience books, along with exclusive interviews with authors such as Shep Hyken, Jeanne Bliss, and Matt Dixon.

Report: Companies routinely ignore customer emails

Email remains a strong customer service channel despite its age.

The convenience is perfect for non-urgent issues. You quickly type out your message, send it, and then go on with your day until you get a response.

Email is good for companies, too. Employees can serve far more customers per hour than on live channels such as phone or chat, while also avoiding the potential for public scrutiny that comes with social media.

Unfortunately, many companies still struggle to get email right.

According to a new report from Netomi, a company that provides an artificial intelligence platform for customer service, 70 percent of publicly traded consumer products and retail companies failed to respond to email. Those that did respond often did poorly.

This post shares some highlights from the report along with some surefire strategies for improving this important channel.

A frustrated customer tries to contact a company for service.

About the email response study

Researchers identified 973 publicly traded companies on the NASDAQ and New York Stock Exchange. An attempt was made to either find a customer service email address, or a web form that allowed customers to send the company email-like messages. (Most customer service web forms turn the resulting conversation into an email exchange.)

Companies that did support email were sent a short message asking for information about the company's return policy.

You can read the full report here, or keep scrolling to see some highlights.

Results of the email response study

On the whole, companies faired poorly.

Some companies made it difficult to find their email address or a web form to contact customer service, while 17 percent did not support email at all. Costco stands out by explaining that this is a conscious decision.

Screenshot from the Costco website explaining that the company does not offer email support.

Of the companies that did offer customers a way to contact them via email, 70 percent failed to respond. This mirrors the results of a similar study conducted by SuperOffice that found 62 percent of companies ignored their emails.

Companies that did respond often failed to meet even basic expectations. The average response time was 36 hours, even though my own study of over 3,200 consumers shows companies should respond to emails within one hour.

Too many responses were impersonal.

  • 28.4 percent failed to use the customer's name.

  • 27.6 percent failed to include the name of the employee responding.

The study also found customers were eight times more likely to get a response when emailing a company on a weekday. This is a huge miss for companies, since many customers handle service issues on nights and weekends when they have more personal time.

How to improve email responsiveness

Companies that offer email as a support channel should do it well or risk alienating their customers. Otherwise, take a cue from Costco and opt out completely.

One reason Costco enjoys a stellar reputation for outstanding service is it plays to its strengths. It doesn't risk disappointing customers by offering something, like email support, that it isn't prepared to do exceptionally.

If you do offer email support, there are a few quick fixes that will immediately improve your responsiveness and the quality of your service.

Audit for dead zones. Check your website, product packaging, instruction manuals, and other sources to make a list of all the places where a customer service email address or web form is advertised. Make sure all of these sources point to an actively monitored inbox. A surprising number of customer service emails never get answered because nobody ever sees them!

Monitor response time. In most cases, companies should aim to respond to customer emails within one hour. Meeting this standard requires you to actually monitor your response time. Take note of general trends, along with individual employees who are too slow to respond. Investigate potential problems to identify and address root causes.

Respond thoroughly. Support agents often unwittingly compound their company's email problems by going too fast. This causes them to misunderstand customer issues and respond with incomplete information. The inevitable result is the customer has to email again, which adds to the contact volume and makes it harder to respond quickly. A counterintuitive solution is to take a few extra seconds to fully understand the customer's needs, and compose a thorough response eliminates the need for additional emails.

You can get more ideas an information about responding faster and better to customer emails from this webinar.

How to show your smile while wearing a mask

Advertising disclosure: This blog participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to Amazon and affiliated sites.

Your smile is hard to see if you are wearing a mask.

That's been a challenge for customer service employees in restaurants, retail stores, and other places that serve customers in-person. Employees wearing masks find themselves using exaggerated hand gestures or emphasizing a positive tone of voice to indicate good cheer.

There's another way to put on a welcoming face for customers: the smize.

The term, credited to Tyra Banks, means smile with your eyes. Here's why the eyes matter, a quick explanation from Banks on how to smize, and a little background on why the smile is so important.

An employee is smiling while wearing a mask and holding a sign that says “open.”

Why the eyes matter when you smile

Psychologist Paul Ekman has done extensive research into the science of smiles. According to Ekman, a genuine smile engages two muscles. One is the zygomatic major, which controls the mouth. The other is the orbicularis oculi, which surrounds the eye and narrows our eyes a bit when we smile.

Fake smiles that do not communicate true happiness will still show in our mouth, but doesn't have the same effect on our eyes.

A 2019 study conducted by researchers Hassan Ugail and Ahmad Al-dahoud used computer software to map people's faces while they were smiling. The software cataloged both fake and authentic smiles to gauge the difference. The results showed that real smiles generate 10 percent more movement in our eyes.

How to smile with your eyes

Creator and host of America's Next Top Model, Tyra Banks, demonstrates the smize in this short video.

There's one small change I recommend for customer service.

The smize that Banks is referring to involves not actually smiling. While that might work on a fashion show runway, it's helpful to give a real smile in a customer service situation.

Even when customers can't see your face, it's easier to make a real smile show through your eyes.

Why authentic smiles matter

My book, Getting Service Right, explores hidden obstacles to outstanding customer service. One challenge, detailed in chapter 10, is emotional contagion.

The idea that people choose their own attitudes isn't entirely accurate. In the short term, we can "catch" an attitude from someone else. That's one reason it's so difficult to serve an upset customer—their negative attitude can influence ours before we're consciously aware of it!

This concept also works with positive attitudes. That gives a genuine smile simple, but extraordinary power to “infect” our customers with a more positive mood. Psychologist, Guy Winch, shared this explanation in an article for Psychology Today:

"Authentic smiles have the power to elicit a reflexive response in the recipient-they smile back. Consequently, we can induce a better mood in others simply by flashing them authentic smiles."

Smiling really works! Try smiling at another person, and you'll often see them smiling right back without.

Take action

Smizing can take a little practice. Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities:

  • Try it in a mirror at home

  • Practice smizing with friends and family

  • Work on your smize when you're a customer and wearing a mask

One thing that Banks suggests is to focus on something that gives you true joy. Hopefully, it's the customer you're serving, but sometimes we need to think of something else. When you are focusing on joy, your smize will come naturally.

Just for fun, can you tell a real smile from a fake one? Try this smile quiz to find out.

How to increase sales and productivity with stable shifts

Retail schedules can wreck havoc on employees' lives.

A few years ago, the New York Times published this heart-breaking story about a Starbucks barista whose work schedule made it a struggle to find a place to live, care for her young son, and go to school. She would often get her weekly schedule with just a few days notice, and her hours were wildly erratic. One schedule had her working until 11pm one evening and then reporting at 4am the next day.

Her story is sadly too common in retail and fast food industries.

Unpredictable schedules have a cascading effect. Employees struggle to escape poverty when they can't go to school or work a second job. Arranging childcare is a challenge when the parent works ever-changing hours. Showing up with a smile, or showing up at all, is a daily challenge.

This practice doesn't just harm employees. It hurts business. These ever-changing schedules often shrink profits in unseen ways.

This post highlights the results of a 2015 experiment that shows how more stable employee schedules are good for business. The lessons are incredibly relevant right now.

Two baristas working in a coffee shop.

About the Experiment

A group of academic researchers partnered with the Gap to study the effects of more stable scheduling on retail performance. The experiment tested a number of changes to employee scheduling:

  • Schedules were published two weeks in advance

  • Employees could swap shifts with each other

  • Shift start and end times were standardized

  • Part-time associates were given at least 20 hours per week

  • On-call shifts were eliminated

On-call shifts require an employee to be available to work, but the shift might be cancelled just a few hours before it begins. This can be an extra burden because you can’t make any other commitments, but you aren’t guaranteed to get paid.

Two results really stood out:

  • Sales increased 7 percent

  • Productivity increased 5 percent

You can read the full report, or keep reading below for a synopsis.

Why don't companies offer stable schedules?

Labor is one of the biggest expenses for most retailers. The chaotic work schedules are created by algorithms designed to operate stores with as few employees as possible in an effort to keep costs low.

The formulas typically use several variables to forecast each store's scheduling needs for the week. Common variables include:

  • Regular sales patterns

  • Planned promotions

  • Merchandising tasks (ex: setting up a new display)

  • Employee training

  • Receiving and stocking inventory

These algorithms place a premium on flexibility to control costs, allowing new shifts to be added or deleted on short notice. Decision-making is centralized, and store managers are often given little, if any, discretion to alter these schedules.

Unfortunately, these formulas inevitably allocate too few hours to stores.

How scheduling algorithms fail

There are a few different ways that scheduling algorithms cause stores to be short-staffed.

The estimates for various merchandising tasks are often inaccurate. One large retailer estimated the hours required to complete a new product display by timing how long it took employees to create a sample. The estimate was almost always too low because the sample was created in a corporate conference room, not on a busy retail floor with constant interruptions from customers.

Store managers aren’t add additional hours, so they’re forced to “borrow” staffing from other tasks. This typically comes at the expense of sales and customer service.

Some algorithms fail to account for overlapping needs.

Saturday morning was the busiest day of the week for one retail store. It was also the day when the weekly stock shipment arrived. The store lacked a back stock area to store new product, which meant new shipments had to be put on the sales floor immediately. The store manager wasn't given enough hours to handle the stock shipment and adequately serve customers, so sales ultimately suffered.

There many other hidden costs of a lean schedule:

  • Theft goes up with fewer associates on the sales floor.

  • Customers purchase less when they can’t get timely assistance.

  • Inventory is harder to manage.

Inventory can be really sneaky. Customers often move inventory around a store, such as leaving clothing in a fitting room or deciding against a purchase while at the cash register. The store can lose sales if employees aren't available to quickly re-shelve those items.

How to implement stable shifts

Retail businesses will always need flexibility to meet changes in demand. The secret is to start with a core schedule and flex up by adding more hours.

All employees, including part-time workers, are given a core schedule. These are predictable days and hours when they can be expected to work each week.

Flexibility is achieved by adding hours when needed. Part-time employees are often open to working more hours, and can be given additional shifts or asked to work longer. Full-time employees can occasionally be asked to work overtime when the store is really busy.

Erica Mancuso: Why customers should get the benefit of the doubt

Advertising disclosure: This blog participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to Amazon and affiliated sites.

We've all experienced an outrageous customer.

Perhaps they lied or exaggerated. They might have been unreasonably angry. Others make a mistake and then blame you for the problem. Some are too obstinate to cooperate as you try to help them.

It's natural to be dismissive. Why should you have to serve someone who lies, throws a tantrum, blames you, and then refuses to be part of the solution?

Erica Mancuso has a counterintuitive suggestion. When customers are outrageous, we should give them the benefit of the doubt.

Mancuso is one of ICMI's top 50 thought leaders to follow on Twitter, and the Director of Offer Management at nThrive. We recently had a conversation about the importance of giving customers the benefit of the doubt.

Erica Mancuso quote: “Customers are not trying to wreck your day. They just want their issue resolved.”

Here are a few of the questions that Mancuso answered:

  • What does it mean to assume good intent?

  • Are there things that make it more difficult?

  • How do you get a customer to be more rational?

  • How do you get out of the mindset that customers are just being jerks?

  • Why is it important to assume a customer has good intentions?

You can watch the full interview or read the highlights below.

What does it mean to assume good intent?

"Most people when they go to work everyday, they're not trying to complain about everything," said Mancuso. "They're trying to get a job done."

She explained that customers contact customer service because they're frustrated about a problem. Their primary goal is to get the problem resolved and to feel better about it.

Mancuso shared that it's natural for customers to exaggerate when they're upset. "Sure, will they embellish things a little bit? Maybe. Haven't we all done that as customers at some point in time? We do."

Assuming good intent requires us to look beyond the customer's outrageous behavior and realize what's behind it.

"The client has good intentions," said Mancuso. "They're not trying to wreck my day. They just want the issue resolved."

See more at the :29 in the interview.

Are there things that make it more difficult to assume good intent?

Situations where a customer appears to be lying or obviously exaggerating can be especially difficult.

In my book, Getting Service Right, I shared a story about Paul, a night club manager who took a call from an unreasonable customer. The customer's credit card company had issued a fraud alert, and the customer angrily accused one of Paul's employees of stealing the card number. Paul knew this wasn't true, and he struggled with his instinctive reaction to dismiss the customer's concerns.

Mancuso described this as a common challenge. "We all tend to embellish things when we're frustrated."

It can be tempting to catch a customer in a lie, or point out how they're wrong. However, that tactic usually makes things worse, not better.

Go to 3:31 in the interview to hear more.

How do you bring a customer back to a more rational place?

Mancuso recommends asking specific questions to redirect the conversation.

For example, if a customer tells you something "never works" ask them specifically how many times the error occurred and what they were doing when they noticed it.

The key is to partner with the customer to gather facts and avoid accusing them of anything. "You do it in an empathetic way," said Mancuso. "You don't want the person on the other end to feel like an idiot."

Using specific questions echos similar advice contact center expert, Myra Golden, shared with me in our interview. Golden suggests starting with three closed-ended questions such as "Are you using a Mac or a PC?" to help the customer regain a more rational mindset.

Hear more on this topic at 5:02.

How do you get out of the mindset that customers are just being jerks?

Mancuso suggests that customer service professionals be willing to learn from their experiences. It's important to reflect on situations where a customer is exaggerating and think about better ways to handle them.

"Let's not shy away from these difficult conversations," said Mancuso. "They're going to help you grow as a professional."

One of the biggest obstacles is taking it personally when a customer directs their anger towards you. "You have to understand they're not angry at you, they're angry at the situation."

Not taking it personally can be easier said than done. Outrageous customers often trigger our fight or flight instinct, which is our natural urge to either argue with the customer or get away from them.

Go to the 8:12 mark to hear more.

Why is it important to assume a customer's intentions are good?

"You tend to be more empathetic when you assume good intent," said Mancuso. Empathy is a core customer service skill used to help customers feel better.

Mancuso explained that feelings are a powerful part of the customer experience. "We know that their overall experience with a company is one third what happens and two thirds how you make them feel."

Assuming good intentions often helps you wade through the customer's exaggerations and understand what's really bothering them. It's the mark of a true professional when you can regulate your own emotions and find a way to help the customer feel great at the end of the conversation.

Hear more at 11:23 in the interview.

Additional Resources

Mancuso shared some additional tips for serving upset customers in this article published by ICMI.

You can get even more ideas from my LinkedIn Learning course, Working with Upset Customers. You'll need a LinkedIn Learning subscription to view the entire program, but a 30-day trial is available.