The Simple Habit That Will Keep You Customer Focused

Advertising disclosure: This blog participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Employees at The Ritz-Carlton have a reputation for amazing service.

You might think their success comes from having a great product, hiring great people, or even a great training program. All of those help, but none are the magic ingredient.

The real secret is amazingly simple.

Ritz-Carlton employees, called associates, spend time every single day reviewing and discussing one of the hotel chain's gold standards. These standards lay out the values and operating philosophy that have helped make it famous.

The gold standards themselves aren't the secret. Those can easily be found online

The secret is the daily review. The Ritz-Carlton has developed an obsession for guest service by talking about guest service every single day.

Here's how you can do the same thing to keep your employees customer-focused.

A group of employees gather for a brief team meeting.

Why do daily reviews work?

Think back to when you were in high school. There's a good chance you had a combination locker for books or physical education class.

Back then, you could open the locker in seconds without thinking. The combination was seared into your memory from daily practice.

Now imagine you are standing in front of the same locker today. The combination is still the same as it was back in your high school days. Could you open it?

More than 90 percent of us could not.

That's because a lot of knowledge and skills are "use it or lose it." Our brain makes it easy to access information we use frequently, while information we hardly need gradually recedes to the background.

Customer service skills are the same way.

It's not uncommon for employees to attend a customer service training class and then boost their performance for a week or two afterwards. Yet without ongoing reinforcement, they inevitably come back down to earth as the gravitational pull of their old habits stamps out any new ideas.

How The Ritz-Carlton uses daily reviews

Associates at every hotel gather for a daily meeting called a lineup. The meeting is short, generally just ten minutes, and is carefully orchestrated.

Four topics are on the agenda:

  1. Gold standard of the day

  2. Share WOW stories about great guest service

  3. Celebrate birthdays and service anniversaries

  4. Discuss property-specific information, such as special events

Notice the gold standards are at the top of the agenda.

The same gold standard is chosen at all Ritz-Carlton hotels each day. For example, one day might focus on The Ritz-Carlton motto, "We are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen."

Associates discuss the standard and talk about how they apply it on the job. That discussion does two very important things:

  1. It reminds associates, so they remember to apply it.

  2. It deepens their understanding of the standard.

That daily review helps the gold standards become just like opening an old high school locker—associates can use it without even thinking.

What can you do to keep things fresh?

Some leaders worry that daily reviews will soon grow stale. 

One manager confided that he ran out of things to talk about, and felt a weekly meeting worked better. Other leaders have told me they worry that employees will start tuning them out when they repeat a reminder that was previously covered.

There are three keys to keeping things fresh:

  • Relevance

  • Brevity

  • Ownership

The reminders should be relevant to what's going on in the business and the challenges your employees face. So "remember to smile" might fall flat as a generic reminder, but a discussion about how you stay upbeat and positive at the end of a long shift could be more relevant.

The reminders should also be brief. The daily meetings at The Ritz-Carlton last about ten minutes. My Customer Service Tip of the Week emails are designed to be read in just five minutes.

Finally, employees should take ownership. Rather than announcing each reminder, try giving the responsibility to different employees. It also helps to make it a discussion where employees share their own successes, challenges, and questions.

How to implement your own daily reviews

Start with what you want to review. 

In Getting Service Right, I profiled a fast food restaurant called Pal's Sudden Service that regularly requires employees to demonstrate proficiency with basic procedures. Other organizations, like The Ritz-Carlton, focus on culture.

Here are some ideas you might use:

Next, create a regular schedule. Ideally, you integrate the reminders into things you're already doing, like a team huddle. It becomes much harder to implement a daily schedule if its extra work.

Finally, stick with it! The reminders only work if you can make them a habit.

I researched customer-focused organizations while writing The Service Culture Handbook. One thing leaders in these companies did really well was talk about customer service all the time. That one thing can keep your team more customer-focused than the competition!

How to be helpful right now

Customer service professionals are naturally helpful.

The world has changed dramatically in the past few weeks. For many of us, the type of help we need to give has also changed. Who knows how long this will last?

We need to dig in for the long haul. Each of us needs to find new ways to be helpful. Here are a few suggestions that you can use right away.

Helpful graphic courtesy of Canva

Helpful graphic courtesy of Canva

Leverage your strengths

You are good at things. Can you use those strengths in a new way?

I make a living researching, writing, and speaking about getting employees obsessed with customer service. Like many of you, I suddenly have a lot less work.

So I'm trying to use my skills to help other customer service professionals. 

For instance, I've created a "training video club" where we all watch a training video on serving upset customers and then talk about how to apply the lessons. It's free to participate, but registration is necessary.

Think about skills or experiences can you share.

Do you work in a restaurant? Food banks and nonprofit community kitchens need volunteers to prepare and distribute food.

Do you have experience in retail or fulfillment? Companies like Walmart, Target, and CVS desperately need temporary employees right now as they struggle to keep shelves stocked with food and essentials.

Are you good with animals? Fewer people are adopting pets right now, so animal shelters like the San Diego Humane Society are looking for foster homes.

The big question: How can you leverage your strengths to help people in need?

Help your local community

You likely have friends and neighbors who need help.

Brackens Kitchen is ramping up to serve 25,000 meals per week to people in need in Orange County, California. The nonprofit depends on its local community to make that happen:

  • Local hotels and restaurants donate unused food.

  • Local residents volunteer to help in the kitchen or at a feeding event.

  • Donors help fund all the meals.

At the moment, Brackens Kitchen is working with its hotel and restaurant partners to temporarily hire members of their kitchen staff who need work. The organization needs extra culinary professionals to help with the increased meal production.

Think about ways you can help your community.

Who do you know? Neighbors, nonprofits, community organizations, churches, and other groups in your local area need volunteers for a variety of essential programs. 

Who is in need? Locally-focused social networking site, NextDoor, has launched new features to help neighbors offer and find assistance.

Can you share resources? Parents are starting to create their own "quarantine circles" with other parents. The idea is to pool resources to share the burden of child care while kids are out of school.

You can also support your local small business:

  • Order take-out from a favorite restaurant.

  • Buy gift cards to use later, so businesses can get extra cash now.

  • Share great stories to help get the word out.

The big question: How can you help your local community?

How to support customers during the epidemic

A few Customer Service Tip of the Week subscribers have asked if I had any specific advice for serving customers during the COVID-19 epidemic.

I won't pretend to have any magic cure-alls. This is not an easy time to be in customer service. My best frame of reference comes from nearly 20 years ago when I managed a contact center during 9/11.

Based on that experience, and the lessons I’ve learned since then, the suggestions below can help.

A wary and uncertain customer service agent.

Keep Your Cool

We're all going through a lot right now. 

People are stressed out. Some people are panicking. Others are ill, or have family members who are sick. And some customers may choose to take out their frustrations on you. 

You'll be tempted to snap back. After all, you're going through a lot, too. Listening to upset customer after upset customer takes its toll.

This advice is easier to give than the follow: don't lose your cool. That will only make it worse. Here's a short video to help you identify that moment of truth.

Empathize with Customers

There's a surprising twist to empathy, which I'll get to in a moment. First, let's cover why empathy works. 

Empathy is defined as the ability to understand another person's feelings. 

So an empathetic response to a customer who lashed out starts with overcoming our instinctive desire to snap back (see above). We should instead treat the customer with caring, kindness, and compassion.

The challenge can be identifying the other person's feelings when you're struggling with your own. Here's an exercise I've done that's helpful:

Step 1: Consider why the customer is truly angry. For example, many customers today are worried about their health, their jobs, their kids, and even their normal way of life.

Step 2: Think about a time you felt the same way. That could be right now for many of us, since we're all experiencing some level of anxiety.

Step 3: Use that experience to identify with your customer's feelings.

I once witnessed a master class in empathy from an airline gate agent who somehow managed to soothe a drunken passenger who had missed her flight.

Okay, now to the surprising twist. Psychologists have discovered that making an effort to empathize with other people in distress can make us feel better.

Partner with Your Customers

Customers subconsciously want to know, are you with them or against them?

Something magically changes when customers feel like we're on their side. They drop their guard and relax a little. People become more pleasant and understanding.

I learned this technique from working with airline gate agents. A common problem occurred when a passenger tried to board with an oversized bag. The most successful agents used this technique:

  1. They stepped out from the counter and stood next to the customer.

  2. They used collaborative language to explain the situation, such as "Our overhead bins have limited space. Let's see if your bag will fit."

  3. They worked with the passenger to test their bag in the luggage sizer, and made helpful suggestions if the bag did not fit.

Can you find ways to show your customers that you're on their side? Here are some more suggestions that can help you.

Listen Carefully

Our listening skills can go out the window when we're stressed. We don't want to hear it, we're pressed for time, or we just don't know what to say.

Taking a moment to overcome this urge and really listen can make a world of difference.

In the days after 9/11, I found myself and my customer service team spending more time talking to customers. Sometimes, it was just listening to a quick story the customer wanted to tell. Other times, we had longer conversations about how people had been affected.

I see the same thing when I walk my dog at a local park. There's a regular group of dog owners, many of whom are also small business owners.

We maintain more than six feet of social distance while we chat, but we've had some good conversations lately about what we're experiencing, what we think will come, and what we plan to do about it. None of us know the answers, but I know we feel better just having someone listen.

Here are some exercises you can use to build your listening skills.

Additional Resources

There are a number of resources to help you learn even more about serving your customers during this challenging time.

Finally, here's a short video on how to defuse angry customers.

How to go virtual when your live event gets cancelled

The coronavirus is having a huge impact on the meeting business.

Many conferences are being cancelled or postponed. Other events are still moving forward, but organizers are monitoring high cancellation rates.

Preventing the spread of the disease is understandably the first priority. We want to keep ourselves, our family, our friends, and our communities safe.

Yet business must continue.

A number of clients have asked me about hosting a webinar in lieu of an in-person event. It's certainly safer than getting a large group of people together in the same room, but clients also worry the webinar won't be as impactful.

Here are some tips for making your webinar great. 

An employee attending a webinar via their laptop computer.

Pick the right platform

Hosting a great webinar starts with picking the right platform. I look for three things when selecting a platform to use:

  1. Is it easy for participants to use?

  2. Does it include interactive features such as polling and chat?

  3. Is it reliable?

I currently use Zoom because it checks all the boxes.

First-time users have to take a moment to download the Zoom software, which is a minor inconvenience. After that, I found it works exceptionally well. Webinar participants quickly figure out the intuitive features.

One thing I really like about Zoom is how it easily handles video. I like to turn on my webcam when I'm presenting so participants can see me. It makes it feel more personal.

Screenshot of a webinar with a video box in the upper right corner.

Other platforms I've tried slow down considerably when you use video, but Zoom seems to work without a hiccup. And if you have more than one presenter, Zoom will automatically focus the video on the person talking.

Check out more audio, video, and lighting tools to make your webinar look and sound great.

Make it interactive

We've all been victimized by a boring webinar, where some monotone presenter drones on over text-heavy slides. It's no fun at all!

A good webinar should be just as engaging as a live event, even if that engagement is a little bit different. I aim for some form of audience interaction every five minutes to keep things lively and prevent participants from tuning out.

Here are just a few ways you can make your webinar interactive:

  • Polling

  • Chat

  • Q&A

  • Individual exercises

Here’s an example of an individual exercise. Participants are given 30 seconds and asked to try and solve the puzzle on their own. The activity reinforces the concept that solutions sometimes seem impossible until we change our perspective.

Screenshot of a puzzle shared during a webinar.

Use good visuals

Think about the most memorable presentations you've attended. There's a good chance the presenter used really clear visuals that were light on text and high on impact (if they used any visuals at all).

Here's an example of a slide I used in a recent webinar to spur a conversation about things you should never say to a customer:

Screenshot from a webinar that asks the question, “What is something you should never say to a customer?”

Notice I didn't create a bulleted list of examples! The participants actually created that list themselves via chat, which made it much more interactive.

Provide additional tools

One thing I always like to do is provide additional tools or resources to help participants dive deeper into the webinar topic.

For example, in a recent webinar about hidden obstacles to outstanding customer service, I offered participants a workbook with ten training exercises they could implement with their team.

Screenshot from a webinar. Slide is recapping main concepts from the session.

I use Join By Text to make it really easy for participants to get the download. Participants text a special keyword to the number and they’re prompted to share an email address. The workbook is then automatically emailed to them. (Go ahead, try it!)

This only works in the United States, so I set up a landing page on my website that allows people outside the US to also get the resource.

Record it!

One of the great advantages of hosting a webinar is it's easy to record.

This enables you to share it with participants who could not attend the live event. It also lets people who did attend go back and review the material as a refresher.

Here's an example of a webinar I did on microlearning with Bryan Naas from Lessonly.

Let's do a webinar!

Are you looking for an impactful customer service keynote speaker, but don't want to risk a live event?

I've put together a special offer to make holding a webinar easy.

  • Convenient: I’ll host the webinar for you and handle registration.

  • Customized: We will customize the content to your audience.

  • Interactive: The live webinar will feature many interactive activities to enhance learning.

Jeanne Bliss: How to Get Your CEO to Care About Customer Experience

Advertising disclosure: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

It's probably the number one question I get in presentations.

Someone will invariably ask, "How do I get my CEO to care about customer experience?" The person will go on to explain their CEO, or other executives, just care about the numbers.

I've struggled to provide a good answer to help get buy-in for customer experience (CX) when it’s not already obvious.

So I turned to CX pioneer and bestselling author, Jeanne Bliss, for some advice. Bliss shared some wonderfully practical tips in our interview and I'm really fired up to share it!

CX Pioneer and bestselling author, Jeanne Bliss. (Photo courtesy of Customer Bliss.)

CX Pioneer and bestselling author, Jeanne Bliss. (Photo courtesy of Customer Bliss.)

Here are just a few topics we covered:

  • What metrics does your CEO truly care about?

  • Why are we losing customers?

  • What should be included in an executive dashboard?

  • How can silos obscure CX problems?

  • What is leadership bravery, and why do we need it?

You can watch the full, 22 minute interview or just skim the highlights below.

What metrics do executives care about?

You ultimately need to tie CX to the company's financials. Unfortunately, many common CX metrics fall short.

For example, a transactional survey score might tell you if customers were generally happy when they visited your store, called customer service, or tried out your latest product. But there's no direct connection to revenue.

Bliss recommends getting your CFO to help you answer the following questions:

  • What's the volume and expected value of customers we gained?

  • What’s the volume and expected value of customers we lost?

  • What's the net change in customer value?

It's important to gain consensus from the rest of the executive team on how new and lost customer numbers are calculated, along with their relative value.

You can then boil down the numbers to a metric your CEO will likely care about: net customer growth. 

Bliss shared an example from St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. In the past, a St. Jude leader might organize a fun run event to raise money, and report the percentage increase in participants. Now the organization reports the net increase in number of donors, and tracks what activities brought more donors in.

Bliss recommends reporting customer growth data in numbers of customers and expected dollar value, rather than just percentages. She suggests that a percentage can be too abstract to demonstrate a clear financial impact.

Calculating this number is the first step. Attaching it to a clear story is step two.

Why are we losing customers?

There’s a great moment in our interview where Bliss describes the utopia of a CEO pounding on the boardroom table and demanding to know why the company is losing customers.

“Why?! Why?! Why are we losing customers?!”

Finding the answer to that question requires us to reframe the stories we share to focus on your customers' goals. Focusing on your customers' goals makes it easier to draw a line of sight between net customer growth and customer experience.

Bliss shared the example of Bombardier Aerospace, which sells planes to high net worth individuals. Those buyers don’t care a lot about internally-focused data such as the sales process or how many spare parts are in stock.

Private jet customers have somewhere to go, and they need to get there fast. Bliss helped Bombardier reframe its customer stories to focus on how it would keep customers flying. That’s far more important to customers than a survey or the lead time on a needed part.

Bliss described how executive dashboards often contain red, yellow, and green dots to indicate key performance metrics that are doing well (green), in the danger zone (yellow), or failing (red). She said something that really stuck with me:

When you're measuring the wrong stuff, you're going to get a green dot for stuff that's a red dot for the customer.

Learn more from Jeanne Bliss

Did you skip all the way down here without watching the interview? Do yourself a favor and go watch the full interview here. Bliss is both insightful and entertaining.

You can see more videos from Bliss on her website, including her three principles for improving lives. I think you’ll also enjoy her description of the “find your three blocks long” concept.

Bliss has written a number of books, and I'm a big fan of Would You Do That to Your Mother? It describes how to navigate away from burning customers with "gotcha moments" to earning their loyalty through "we've got your back" moments.

Why you need to follow the service culture recipe

Advertising disclosure: This blog participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

My friend, Sarah, is a baker.

She's taught me that baking is all about precision. You have to follow the recipe precisely to get the expected result. The outcome might be disappointing if you're off on your measurements, omit an ingredient, or fail to bake at the right temperature.

Even the smallest changes can make a difference. 

For example, Sarah's famous peanut butter cookies taste a lot more buttery if she lets the butter warm up to room temperature before mixing it into the cookie dough. (Note to self: ask Sarah for more peanut butter cookies.)

Baking is an important metaphor for building a service culture. 

A lot of leaders discover The Service Culture Handbook, and pick and choose which concepts they want to try. Inevitably, they're disappointed with the results.

Just like baking, you need to follow the recipe if you want a strong service culture.

Sarah Levine baking a pirate ship birthday cake.

Sarah Levine baking a pirate ship birthday cake.

Why picking and choosing steps doesn't work

The customer service leader was stuck.

She found my phone number in The Service Culture Handbook (page xiii) and sent me a text. Service leaders often call, text, or email me for advice. These conversations help me learn about the challenges they face implementing a customer-focused culture.

This particular leader was trying to write a customer service vision for her company.

A vision is a shared definition of outstanding customer service that gets everyone on the same page. It's the cornerstone of a customer-focused culture and the focal point of the entire book.

She had a good idea of what the vision should communicate, but was struggling to get the words just right. I asked her a few questions about the process she was following and learned she was trying to write it on her own.

I’ve called this the biggest mistake when writing a vision.

The process outlined in the book is an inclusive one. It solicits input from all employees, and the relies on a cross-functional group of senior leaders, middle managers, and individual contributors to write the statement. It’s designed to avoid blind spots by getting multiple perspectives.

When leaders skip steps in the process, like writing the vision on their own, they inevitably struggle:

  • The vision statement ends up full of empty marketing jargon.

  • Employees don't buy-in.

  • Months are spent on a process that should take two weeks.

Getting buy-in, maintaining momentum, and seeing real change is difficult. Skipping steps won't make it any easier.

The leader and I talked through the process. We reviewed the steps together and she came up with a plan. It was tough for her—she instinctively wanted to do things a different way.

But she stuck with it and followed the recipe.

In the end, she and her team created a vision statement that everyone was proud of. The vision was a simple sentence that described the culture and captured the company’s aspirations for being even more customer-focused in the future.

How was the service culture process created?

This is a fair question. Many customer service "experts" are guilty of creating advice out of thin air and then passing it off as wisdom without acknowledging that it's untested.

Here I took another lesson from Sarah.

Sarah does a lot of experimenting when she creates a new recipe. She tries new ideas, makes adjustments, and keeps working until the recipe is perfected. 

Then she tries to make it even better.

I created the service culture process based on my work as an internal training director and then later as a consultant. It's been developed over the course of 20 years after working with hundreds of leaders and thousands of employees. 

When I wrote the book, I researched customer-focused companies I admired, but had not worked with. I talked to leaders and experts, and further refined the process based on what I learned from them.

The process has been proven to work.

But I’m not satisfied. I continue to make adjustments based on feedback I receive from leaders. For example, I've recently changed the name of the customer service vision to "customer experience vision." It's a small change that makes an important distinction.

Is this the only way to build a service culture?

Of course not!

There are a lot of recipes for peanut butter cookies. Sarah's are the best I've tasted, but there are other recipes that make pretty good cookies as well.

The important distinction here is if you want to make Sarah's peanut butter cookies, you had better follow Sarah's recipe precisely. 

Building your service culture is the same way. Pick a proven recipe and stick to it and you're more likely to get a great result.

Why I'm Finally Releasing The Service Culture Handbook on Audible

Advertising disclosure: This blog participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Starting today, The Service Culture Handbook is available as an audiobook.

The book was originally published in March, 2017. It's been available as a paperback and an ebook for three years and has become a bestseller. So you might be wondering why it's just now coming out on Audible.

The answer is reader feedback. 

The Service Culture Handbook audiobook cover

I was originally against the idea of an audiobook because I didn't think that format would be a good experience. I was wrong.

The Service Culture Handbook is a step-by-step guide. It is intended to be read one chapter or even one section at a time. Readers are encouraged to put down the book and implement the steps to get their employees obsessed with service.

My original thinking was people wouldn't do that with an audiobook. I imagined they'd passively listen on their morning commute until the book ended, or they got to work, whichever came first.

Fortunately, I put my phone number and email address in the book so I could easily connect with readers. People have generously shared their feedback with me and I've learned quite a bit.

For example, some people want to hear the book all the way through to get an idea of the process, and then revisit individual chapters. Having the ability to listen to the book while driving, taking the train, flying, or even walking the dog makes this easier than reading a paperback or ebook. 

A client who hired me for a keynote presentation told me her executive team prefers to listen to speakers' audiobooks before a presentation. It helps them easily identify some of the main ideas to focus on with their team as they prepare them to attend my keynote.

At least one person told me they listen to audiobooks while running. That’s really tough to do with a paperback!

Others just prefer audio. They can still go through the book one chapter at a time, but now they'll be able to do that in their preferred format. 

A few people need audio because they are either blind or visually impaired. Until now, the only way they could access the book would be to use a special software program that reads the book to them. I've been told it sounds like a robot and isn't particularly engaging.

That led to another concern—quality.

Many people have asked if I narrated the book myself. I did not. Once I realized there was a need for an audiobook, I wanted to ensure the production was professional quality. I wasn't convinced I could easily do that on my own.

Fortunately, I was able to partner with Tantor Media, one of the most respected names in the audiobook business. Tantor helped me find a talented professional, Roger Wayne, to narrate the book. Tantor also ensured the production was studio quality.

I promise you won't hear my dog barking in the background!

So please download the book and give it a listen if audiobooks are your thing. Or don't if you don't enjoy audiobooks. The great news is you now have the option.

Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback about the format. I appreciate you!

Seven Ways to Optimize Your Existing Service Channels

I always call to order pizza.

My favorite pizza place, Mountain Mike's, has an online ordering system. But that would require me to create an account, remember a password, and click through a bunch of options each time I wanted to place an order.

That seems like too much trouble since I don't order pizza very often.

Instead, I call and a friendly employee answers right away. The employee uses caller ID to identify me and pull up my order history. All I have to say is, "I'll have the usual, please!"

That's an optimized service channel! 

There's a good chance you are supporting multiple service channels in your business. Here seven ways you can optimize your existing service channels.

A customer on a smartphone choosing which channel to use to contact a company.

1. Identify your customers

Caller ID isn't new technology, yet my pizza place is one of the few companies I regularly do business with that uses it effectively.

Most of the time, I find myself endlessly repeating my account information.

  • Name

  • Phone number

  • Address

  • Mother’s maiden name

  • Favorite ice cream flavor

  • Which Ninja Turtle do I most identify with?

You'll make your customers a lot happier if you can keep that stuff to a minimum.

Capture unique identifiers such as phone number and social media handles, and use that information to skip unnecessary identity verifications at the start of each contact.

2. Forecast all channels

Contact centers traditionally forecast phone volume, so staffing can be adjusted to meet the expected demand. For some reason, this doesn't happen in other service channels.

One study by contact center consulting firm, Services Triad, found a sharp drop off in forecasting for email and social media:

Chart showing which service channels are forecast.

Contact center leaders routinely tell me they struggle to keep up with demand in non-phone channels like chat, social, and particularly email. You can improve performance by staffing to demand in all service channels, not just phone.

3. Monitor all channels 

There's a good chance you monitor your agents' phone calls and routinely give them feedback. But what about emails, chat sessions, or social media posts?

As a young contact center manager, I learned the hard way that written communication must be monitored. When I started monitoring my agents' emails, I discovered 50 percent had errors!

Quality isn't just a phone thing. Contact center leaders should monitor all channels, coach agents on their performance, and identify trends. You might be missing a lot of issues if you don’t!

4. Empower agents equally

If a customer emails your company, will they get the same level of service as if they chatted or contacted you via social media?

Many social media teams are empowered to do much more for customers than other teams are allowed to do. This encourages customers to voice their complaints on social media rather than using a more private channel.

Meanwhile, agents working for outsourcers, particularly chat and phone agents, seem to be the least empowered. They’re encumbered by strict rules and onerous scripts.

You can audit this by identifying common customer issues and determine whether they can quickly be resolved via each channel you serve. This exercise might yield some surprises!

5. Track conversations across channels

It seems natural when you start a conversation with a friend on social media, resume the conversation via text, and keep the conversation going when you see the friend in person.

Companies struggle to do that.

Here's where you need a customer service software solution that puts all conversations in one easy place. You want your agents to quickly see that last phone call, email, and chat conversation along with recent orders and other account history.

This saves customers from repeating themselves, which in turn makes contacts go a lot faster. And that's more satisfying for customers and employees alike.

6. Use a consistent brand voice

Do your agents come across as playful on social media, but sound like robots on the phone? 

Contact centers should use a consistent brand voice across all channels. The idea is to represent your brand using similar words and tone regardless of how you're communicating with customers.

Customer service writing expert, Leslie O'Flahavan, provides some great examples in this short video.

7. Dump underperforming channels

Your business doesn't need to serve customers via every channel imaginable. In fact, you'd be better off avoiding channels where there's no demand or you can't effectively deliver service.

Costco, Trader Joe's, and In-N-Out Burger are all known for being customer-focused organizations. Yet try to engage any of them on Twitter and you'll realize none of those companies are tweeting. That's just not their strength.

A contact center leader told recently told me her team supports chat, but they get very few chat requests. She has a challenge staffing for such low demand, where an agent needs to be available just in case a chat comes in.

That agent is probably better deployed to another channel, like email, that has far more consistent and predictable volume.

Take Action

This list is by no means exhaustive, but it's a good start. Each of these tips can help you serve customers more efficiently and consistently. 

You'll also reduce channel racing. This happens when a customer doesn't trust a particular channel, so they start contacting your company via multiple channels to see which one best serves their needs. 

For example, a customer waiting on hold might tweet their frustration, send an email to the company, and start a chat session with another rep. That means one problem ultimately engages four agents rather than one, all because the customer didn't trust any one channel to handle their issue.

Optimizing all of your service channels will quickly improve the customer experience and reduce your servicing costs.

Quickly Solve Service Problems with Five Whys

New hires were struggling in the contact center.

The reason was a mystery to the customer service leader. Her company had a comprehensive training program, a dedicated trainer, and supportive supervisors. Yet it was taking new employees too long to get up to speed.

The leader and her team had been working on the issue for months. She finally asked for my advice, and was surprised when I helped her find the solution in just a few minutes.

Is it because I'm a wizard? 

No, not really. I simply used a problem-solving technique called the Five Whys. You can use it to quickly get to the heart of many customer service challenges.

Here's what it is, and how you can use it too.

A confused contact center agent tries to solve a problem.

How does the Five Whys technique work?

Many customer service challenges aren't clearly defined, which makes them hard to solve. Here are a few examples:

  • We're getting too many complaints.

  • Employee turnover is too high.

  • We need to get everyone on the same page.

You need something much more specific if you want to solve the problem.

For example, why are we getting too many complaints? The solution will be completely different if the root cause is a defective product versus surly employees.

The Five Whys technique works by asking the question "Why," until you get to the real root of the issue. The average is thought to be five times, hence the name "Five Whys."

Here's how I used this technique to help the customer service leader diagnose why new hires were struggling to do their jobs:

Me: Why do you think new hires are struggling?
Leader: New hires are making a lot of mistakes.

Me: Why are they making mistakes?
Leader: They don't remember basic procedures.

Me: Why don't they remember basic procedures?
Leader: We don't spend enough time reinforcing basic procedures in training.

Me: Why don't you spend enough time reinforcing basic procedures in training?
Leader: Because we spend a lot of time covering exceptions and special processes.

Me: Why do you spend so much time covering exceptions and special processes?
Leader: Because we want agents to be aware of them.

The third question was the lightbulb moment. It was an insight that was only obvious in hindsight: new hires weren’t getting adequate training on the skills they needed most.

The fourth question brought a little more clarity and then the last question was the show stopper. 

The current training program inundated new hires with procedures they might use once every three months. By the leader’s own admission, this was more for awareness since customer service agents were likely to forget them.

The heart of the issue was these procedures were given equal time with more common procedures that were used on a daily basis. The result was new hires weren't getting a chance to master the basics. 

Armed with this insight, the customer service leader completely transformed the training program.

The new focus emphasized the basics so employees could master skills they would use every day. New hires were then taught to identify exceptions and ask for help, which is what they had been doing any way. Agents didn’t need to know what the specific exception was, only that it didn’t fit in with standard procedures.

The result was fewer mistakes, shorter training time, and better productivity.

Take Action

Try using the Five Whys technique to solve one of your own customer service challenges. Ask the question, "Why?" until you get to the heart of the problem.

Learn how to quickly diagnose and solve more customer service issues with my LinkedIn Learning courses, Quick Fixes to Attain Excellent Customer Service. Here’s a preview:

Why You Need a Customer Experience Vision

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There's some confusion between customer service and experience.

I know I've contributed to it. For years, I've talked about having a customer service vision—a shared definition of outstanding service that gets everyone on the same page—as the cornerstone of a customer-focused culture.

Yet I've recently started calling it a customer experience vision.

One reason is I wrote The Service Culture Handbook from a customer service perspective, but the concepts apply equally well to customer experience. Book Authority put the book at #14 on its list of best customer experience books of all time.

Customer feedback has also shaped my thinking. 

I've heard from hundreds of business leaders who are working on their vision statements. The place where most people get stuck is thinking too much about their service, and not enough about their customers' experience.

So here's why you need a customer experience vision, whether you're focused on experience or just customer service.

A person using a marker to connect various business concepts to customer experience.

What's the difference between service and customer experience?

A lot of customers talk about service and experience interchangeably. That's okay for customers, but it's limiting for business leaders.

Customer service is the assistance a company provides to help people buy or use its products. Customer experience is the sum of all interactions a customer has with a company.

I'm writing this from my favorite local coffee shop. The barista provides great customer service by being cheerful, quickly making drinks, and calling people when their drink is ready. 

The coffee shop provides a great experience by having strong wifi, ample seating, and music at just the right level to help you feel vibrant, yet focused. The parking lot outside, which is entirely out of the coffee shop's control, is also part of my experience when I come here.

You’ll miss a lot if you own the coffee shop and you only focus on making sure your baristas are friendly, efficient, and helpful. Here’s a more in-depth explanation that highlights additional differences between the two concepts.

Why do we need a customer experience vision?

In a word, silos.

They plague companies big and small. People tend to approach their jobs with a very narrow focus, especially if they don't have regular customer contact. Marketing does marketing, operations does operations, service does service, etc.

Here's an example of someone who technically did their job correctly, but completely missed the big picture.

A customer experience vision gets everyone on the same page. It describes the type of experience you want your customer to have, and provides a beacon for everyone to work towards.

  • Product Development

  • Manufacturing

  • Marketing

  • Operations

  • Customer Service

Even finance, human resources, and IT departments, teams that don’t traditionally talk to customers, can become customer-focused when they operate under a common vision.

Why change the name to a customer experience vision?

Focusing on customer experience creates a better statement, even if you're just writing your vision for a customer service team. There are three qualities of an outstanding vision:

  1. Simple and easily understood.

  2. Focused on customers.

  3. Reflects both who we are now and who we aspire to be in the future.

Many leaders have told me they struggled with the second part, keeping it focused on customers. People naturally default to thinking of themselves, even when writing a vision statement.

For example, one small business owner recently told me his team was stuck on adjectives that describe customer service such as helpful, friendly, and efficient. My advice was to reframe the discussion to think about why you are doing those things.

Here are a few examples:

The vision at food distribution company, KeHE, is "We serve to make lives better." The company tries to improve the lives of all its stakeholders through the distribution of fresh, natural, organic, and specialty foods.

Equipment financing company, GreatAmerica, defines its vision as, "We help our customers achieve greater success." The company's primary customers are office equipment dealers, and GreatAmerica is trying to help those businesses become more successful.

The USS Midway Museum is a retired naval aircraft carrier that has been rated as the top tourist attraction in San Diego. The customer experience vision at the Midway is "Preserve the historic USS Midway and the legacy of those who serve; Inspire and Educate future generations; and Entertain our museum guests." The people who work there are passionate about educating people on what it was like to serve on the ship.

Aren't they really the same thing?

Fundamentally, yes. There's no difference between a good customer experience vision or a customer service vision. In fact, the process for writing one is exactly the same.

You can still call it a customer service vision if you want. Depending on the audience in front of me, I will too.

Keep in mind that companies already use other statements as their customer experience or customer service vision:

  • Mission

  • Corporate vision

  • Values

  • Brand slogan

  • Customer service motto

Whatever you call it, focusing on your customer's experience makes it better.

Take Action

Here are a few resources to help you write your vision statement.